Sunday, May 19, 2013

God loves, Allah doesn't We love Him because He first loved us.

As you see above, 1 John 4:19 says that God loved us first. If you want to bring Muslims to Christ, this is a good Scripture to start with. Devout Muslims, or what the West has masked as "radical" and "extremist", are willing go die for Allah, especially if they're engaging in jihad (holy war against "infidels" or non-Muslims). Since they are so willing to die, any devout believer in Christ would wonder why. Well, this question was sort of answered already but when sharing the Gospel with a Muslim, I ask what Allah did for them that they're so "hopelessly devoted" to the seventh century pagan idol. They cannot answer the question because there is no answer.

Coming back to this Scripture, God loved us first. This also connects to the famous John 3:16 "for God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (NKJV). But all in all, God loved us first and STILL loves us today... even the Muslims.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Well, isn't this and bit of juciey information! How could Al Gore sell CurrnetTV to this jihad group?!? I actually LIKED CurrentTV, and was hoping that they would broadcast something against Islam and show was currently going on with the Islamization of America... but noooo........ he sells it to the sword-swinging, oil-rich Qatari based news outlet. Because Gore sold it to them, it is no longer avaiable on Time Warner Cable... but Al Jazeera still is! What kind of sense does that make??? Well, no, not an Al Jazeera channel itself, but it's on the RIZE channel (can't remember number off-hand). Thank you, Creeping Sharia, for posting this. I may have not found it otherwise.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Do Women Choose "That Life" of Prostitution?

Voices of NY » » Women Choose ‘That Life,’ say Men Who Hire Prostitutes

The link above goes to a story about the prostitution rings in Jackson Heights, NY, among the predominant Latino immigrant community. If you've ever walked the streets of Jackson Heights at night, especially along Roosevelt Ave, you'll notice a few ladies barely dressed in heels. These are, yes, prostitutes. Are they lone wolves, in it for the money, or part of a much larger sex trafficking ring against their will? Well, what you'll read in this article, originally published by El Diario-La Prensa, is men who actually hire these working girls do it because they want to; for the money. They don't report it. NO ONE does. This must end.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Love of Christ in Action: Ohio Christian Man Donates Cemetery Plot so slain Boston Bombing Suspect can be Buried

Ohio Man Donates Plot to Boston Bomber's Family - US - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Honestly, there should be more of this in America. To me, this is an act of forgiveness. How can we say we walk in Christ when we can't forgive? I've forgiven them, though I do not live in Boston, nor have I been there. Let's live in Christ's truth and Word, which sets us free (John 8:31-32).