As it says in 1 John 4:1, King James Version, Beloved, believe
not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many
false prophets are gone out into the world. With the way the world is today, we cannot be so
naïve, especially when it comes to spiritual matters. As aforementioned, within
Christianity, there are so many denominations, which one is true? To avoid
division, we cannot put the particular denomination that a believer associates
with to be above all others. Jesus warned against this when one of His
disciples told Him that they forbade someone who was casting out demons in
Jesus’ name [Luke 9:49].
In Acts 17,
while Paul was in ministry, he went to preach in a church of Berea and the
congregants were wise in verifying his speech by searching the Scriptures (Old
As Jesus
also did forewarn, that we have to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves [Matthew 10:16] because there are many false prophets out in the world. I’ve come to
believe that it’s worse for someone’s heart to be turned away from God but in
whatever that person is doing still believes that they’re serving God than for
one to be turned away and convert to other religions all together.
We even
have to test what is preached in our own churches. We have to be aware of
things like “prosperity gospel” and “replacement theory”. Prosperity gospel is
teaching that one just has to believe and tithe a whole lot to “get rich
quickly” in a sense, that all of one’s natural needs will be met through faith.
The prosperity gospel’s underlining message is that one’s natural needs, namely
money/wealth & health, are above worshiping God for who He is; putting
natural/earthly blessings above spiritual blessings.
Sadly, I
believe that all parties involved in prosperity gospel are victims: the
congregation for tithing & offering in order to obtain blessing above
having an intimate relationship with the Lord and the “pastors” that teach on
this. The congregants are the obvious victims because they are being fed a
false doctrine and believing that faith alone will get them rich. The pastors
are victims in a spiritual sense. Jesus said that what comes out of a man
defiles the man [Matthew 15:20; Mark 7:15] and therefore are defiling
themselves and risking eternal damnation. Their preaching of “prosperity” ends
up feeding their own and not their sheep.
We’ll get
to replacement theory in another blog.
Now, maybe
you’re church isn’t preaching on this but sometimes what you hear in a Sunday
morning sermon just doesn’t sit right with your spirit. Don’t be afraid to do
some biblical research on it or even ask the preacher on it.